Livestock Auctioneers’ Association (LAA) executive secretary Chris Dodds has been recognised as a leader in British farming
Babesia is a blood parasite that infects many animals and occasionally humans. In the UK, babesiosis in cattle, also known as red water fever, is the most significant disease
A metabolic blood profiling study across a dozen spring-calving suckler herds in Scotland uncovered problems at the pre-calving and post-calving stages
A passion for poultry led Ivory Arden to a career in the industry
Producing quality store cattle is the focus for the Swinbank family, with the Limousin breed proving instrumental to their success
As former NFU dairy board chair Michael Oakes embarks on a new challenge in beef, FG's chief reporter Rachael Brown speaks to him about leaving dairy and the future of the sector
Regular reviews of hygiene protocols and procedures are advised on pig and poultry units to ensure optimal biosecurity
NFU livestock board chair David Barton said: "We are incredibly disappointed to hear that some farmers in the Restricted Zone are being unfairly penalised by having deductions taken from some processors in the supply chain"
Northern Ireland’s MV-free status could be under threat as a result of a proposal to withdraw DAERA funding to facilitate MV testing
Making use of the latest technology to maximise genetic progress is key to the success of the Blenkhorn family’s pedigree herd