NFU poultry board chair, James Mottershead said AI vaccination programme for birds need to be safe to give consumers the confidence to continue eating poultry products, and must not disrupt exports
It is well-known that legume crops such as peas and beans benefit from the use of an appropriate inoculant, and now experts suggest it could be the same for maize crops
Vale of York dairy farmer and NFU Dairy Board chair Paul Tompkins said consolidation and investment can be viewed as a ‘good thing’, but the lack of competition for milk was a ‘bad thing’ for producers
Phase 3 of the field trials will take place on commercial cattle farms in areas of England and Wales, where there is a low incidence of bTB and are set to be completed in 2026/7
At an open day hosted by the National Beef Association South West in conjunction with Lely, attendees heard how automation has helped accelerate finishing times on a Devon farm
A recent study carried out by the University of Glasgow has found that 80% of supplementary colostrum from a typical commercial flock fails bacterial count tests
Norfolk shepherdess Hannah Murrell is gearing up for a very busy lambing season at Gawdy Hall Estate, in Harleston
UK cattle farmers are being asked to support research into Johne's disease
The Sustainable Farming Incentive has several actions that could be attractive to livestock farmers
Deeside Monitor Farmers Duncan and Claire Morrison trialed finishing bulls at grass last summer