A childhood passion for the British Blue breed has seen Dean Saunders succeed in the show ring and establish a reputable supply of genetics for the dairy herd
"The control zone is there through no fault of any member within that control zone"
Welsh Mules have been at the centre of a Mid-Wales farm for four generations and continue to thrive
The English Winter Fair, which was due to be held on November 16-17, 2024 at Staffordshire County Showground has been cancelled due to the continuing spread of bluetongue
Autumn tends to mark the start of the rodent season with the onset of lower temperatures encouraging rats and mice to seek shelter and warmth
Refining genetics and prioritising maternal traits are key to securing the future of a Yorkshire Limousin herd
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have not yet licensed the use of BTV-3 vaccines, but said they would keep it under review
The supermarket has also introduced new stocking density requirements for its fresh chickens, aimed at improving their quality life
Eleanor Hunt, founder of the Woollen Cwtch Company, reveals how she has supported farmers through the creation of wool coffins
The National Sheep Association (NSA) said it held a ‘constructive’ meeting with Minister Andrew Muir and key officials from the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA)