Sandringham Estate has placed a listing for an agricultural operator to work on its 2400 hectare organic farm
The levy body was looking to get more businesses encourage more businesses to explore export possibilities
A row has erupted following Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer’s pledge to allow houses to be built on the green belt.
The NFU has hit out at reports that troubled train line HS2 is facing a new raft of problems, with the union claiming that any further disruption to farm businesses would be ‘unacceptable’.
Two Devonshire farmers have won a High Court battle to prevent people wild camping on their land in Dartmoor National Park.
Rural communities are celebrating after the Government backed down on a series of planning issues that countryside groups claim would have a catastrophic effect on rural areas.
The Government is being urged to consider introducing a relaxed visa system that would see migrants placed in rural communities for a minimum of five years to combat depopulation and the growing skills shortage.
The future of farm support in England has been plunged into uncertainty once more, as Defra appeared to tear up its Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme plans.
Tenant farmers in Wales have expressed fears that the Governments new Sustainable Farming Scheme will be unworkable, leaving them sidelined.
A man who worked for more than 30 years on his family’s farm has won a Supreme Court inheritance case against his parents, in a landmark judgment which will have implications for succession plans.