The Liberal Democrats have warned farms are ‘on the brink’ as it urges Government to ditch the family farm tax
Demand continues to outstrip supply despite political challenges
With the biodiversity net gain (BNG) initiative firmly embedded in the fabric of UK planning since its launch in February 2024, now is the ideal time for land developers and the conservation sectors to take full advantage of the opportunities it offers, says Andy Howard, chief executive of CSX
The Budget has put succession planning in the spotlight, but how do you start the conversation?
Farmland experts take a look at the effect Inheritance Tax changes could have
As the new Labour Government looks to gear up house and infrastructure building across the UK, Will Leonard, of Saffrey Champness, takes a look at the implications for tax
CLA president Victoria Vyvyan has warned that without making assurances warns of risk of rural landlords deciding to sell up
The average Brit throws out £450 of food a year, according to a survey of 3,000 people by electrical retailer
Plans to allow councils to buy cheaper land to build social and affordable homes have been criticised by the CLA
Its new ‘golden rules’ would mean councils will be required to prioritise building on brownfield sites and poor-quality areas in the green belt, dubbed ‘grey belt’ land