Surveys criticising livestock farmers are having a ‘detrimental impact' on their mental health and well-being.
The Renters (Reform) Bill is currently making its way through Parliament
Landlords need to consider demand and feasibility on housing developments
Farmland values have continued to rise so far in 2023, despite uncertainty in the economy and prices declining in the general property market.
English wine is growing in popularity with demand increasing for vineyards in the UK
Landowners with public footpaths on their land need to be aware of the requirements, with campaign groups taking legal action to ensure public access.
Demand has remained robust for farmland with ‘good' properties selling well so far in 2023
A Cambridgeshire farm could be torn apart, destroying years of nature friendly farming and devastating important national habitats if proposals for a new train line are approved
The drive to attract private cash to boost on-farm environmental opportunities, could lead to food production being side lined, an expert has warned
Managers of a controversial Welsh farm have pledged to keep food and farming at the fore, insisting that its plans will bring a £23m boost to local economy