Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer today set out his stall to win the rural vote, declaring that ‘food security is national security’.
Farmers were advised to remain vigilant as a once localised, coastal pest is travelling further afield into the UK causing foliage and root damage to sugar beet.
NFU Mutual data shows the Scottish public are aware of the penalties for sheep worrying and that police are taking the issue seriously
Nearly two thirds of owners say they let their dog roam off-lead in the countryside but almost four in ten admit their pets do not always come back when called
In the latest Mart’s The Heat Standing the Test of Time series, supported by Shearwell Data and the Livestock Auctioneers Association, its chairman, Alastair Brown, highlights the value of auction marts.
William Probert on livestock pressures.
More than 100,000 people have signed an NFU petition calling on the Government to ban sky lanterns across England and Wales.
Ensuring calves have adequate trace mineral levels is an important factor in reducing the risk of diseases such as calf scour in young calves, as it helps their immune system fight off health challenges.
Richard Hyde on prices and production.
A lack of forward planning can make parasite control more difficult, so take time this winter to prepare for worm and fluke control at turnout and the coming grazing season.