Ensuring medicines are administered at the right time and at the right dosage could help reduce medicine costs on-farm
Dairy farmers are encouraged to understand the signs and symptoms of Schmallenburg within dairy herds amid UK outbreak
When rodent numbers swelled rapidly at a mixed family farm in Cambridgeshire, new tactics including an integrated pest management approach and new rodenticides were needed to protect its grain stores
Managing lameness is an all-year-round task, with care needed to ensure problems do not arise when cattle are at grass
With turnout delayed across the country and silage stocks running down, looking at ways to extend silage stocks until cows can go out is now important on some farms
Venereal campylobacter infection is thought to be more widely prevalent in cattle than confirmed case numbers would suggest
Recent studies have shown there is a strong link between genetics and lameness within dairy cattle.
Farmers are advised to look ahead at this year's silage quality to reduce input costs and manage environmental footprint. Farmers Guardian reports.
With most dairy farms in the UK over-supplementing diets with at least one mineral, understanding the mineral requirement at each stage of production is important for productivity, efficiency and the environment
Growing maize and other suitable crops for biogas production could offer farmers a stable, long-term market for their produce, as well as a fresh break-crop option