Luing bulls sold to a high of 14,000gns, with Salers bulls topping at 9,500gns
The Simmental trade made history and achieved a new European breed record with a bid of 56,000gns, smashing the previous record of 46,000gns
The Beef Shorthorn bidding topped at 20,000gns for 55 bulls, averaging £6,476, down £1,015 on the year, with a clearance rate of 71%
Limousin bulls sold to a high of 14,500gns, averaging £7,333, down £133 on the year, for the 50 bulls sold at a clearance rate of 78%
Buyers, vendors and visitors returned to United Auctions for the first round of this year’s Stirling Bull Sales, with a strong trade achieved across all breeds
The sale of pedigree female sheep at Hawes also saw Swaledales sell to £2,600 for the first prize ewe and in-lamb Herdwicks to £1,200
Hard work and dedication have seen Sean Mitchell’s dreams become reality in both the show ring and the sale ring
A new history book which looks at the origins of the Aberdeen-Angus breed has discovered the breed's roots may have been founded much further back in time than originally thought
A childhood passion for the British Blue breed has seen Dean Saunders succeed in the show ring and establish a reputable supply of genetics for the dairy herd
Limousin trade peaked at 12,000gns with 38 bulls sold to an average of £6,303 - down £750 on the year – with a clearance rate of 59%