Recent research at Rothamsted compared the effects of cell grazing to the more conventional set stocking
Applications now open for managing priority habitat species-rich grassland
The British Grassland Society's summer meeting included visits to livestock farmers in the South of England making low input grassland work for their systems
Resilience to drought and reduced fertiliser applications will be key traits for perennial rye grass varieties in 2050
Herbal leys have recently gained popularity, but many farmers have been growing species-rich swards for years
For farmers weighing up the value of rejuvenating fields with a full reseed this summer or instead opting to overseed after one of the most persistently wet periods on record there is a lot to consider
Once conditions dry out, many farmers will start to think about over-seeding their pastures to improve health and productivity of grassland
Despite the increasing prominence of automated milking systems on dairy farms in the UK, some dairy farmers are opposed to housing cows all-year-round
Red clover is often presented as a good option for increasing grassland production, but it can be a difficult crop to establish and grow
A wet autumn followed by a very wet spring means weeds are thriving and giving grassland farmers yet another problem to grapple with