Baroness Kate Rock said with many of the responses from the Government packed into the Farm Tenancy forum, a lot was resting on its success, adding that the sector needed to start seeing ‘proactive thoughtful support'
Tenant Farmers Association said in the last few weeks alone, five tenant farmers had come forward with concerns over land being replaced by solar
The new programme kicks off in December with a three-day workshop for up to 50 farmers
Mrs Batters said she would ‘not draw breath' until the Government ‘levelled up' their ambition on the environment and their legislative targets with a focused target on food production
An NFU survey found the British public ranked farmers as one of the most important and well respected professions
MPs are calling on supermarkets to do more to encourage shoppers to buy British produce by adding a ‘Buy British’ button to their online stores.
Livestock sustainability consultant Prof Jude Capper raised concerns over the children's book and its 'oversimplified' portrayal of livestock farming and its role to play in climate change
Agriculture's much-loved campaign kicked off in spectacular fashion at 5am, August 3 as thousands of farmers took to their digital channels to highlight their role as the nation's most trusted food producers and guardians of our beautiful countryside
HCC said it is critical to ‘cut through to consumers' and ensure they understand what PGI sustainable Welsh beef and lamb is all about
The Rural Affairs Minister Lesley Griffiths shared her commitment to food and climate. She said she wants to 'keep farmers on the land' and deal with 'climate and nature emergencies'