The UK beef market is ending 2022 on a strong note, but producers cannot say with confidence that strength will last into the New Year.
Beef bred calves from the dairy herd make up a large proportion of the UK’s beef industry, but how can farmers use improved genetics to maximise their value.
In the second of a series looking at how English farmers are coping with the phase out of the Basic Payment Scheme, Emma Penny talks to Cumbrian beef producers David and Maggie Kelly.
Pork and gammon could be the winner from switches away from traditional turkey while those looking for showstoppers may look to beef and lamb joints
Instigating a worm control programme for young cattle can present a challenge if anthelmintic resistance issues are to be avoided. Wendy Short reports.
As a high yielding forage crop and a cheap source of energy, fodder beet is now a popular crop for outwintering. Ellie Layton reports.
Farmers have accused factories of short changing them by €6 million (£5.15m) per week
This years Welsh Winter Fair saw historic wins in the sheep rings, and record prices of 36,000 in the post-show sale of cattle and 800 in the pig shed.
A strong show of stock, made for a successful two days at Lanark Market for the Scottish National Fatstock Club’s annual LiveScot event.
With the rise in fertiliser costs along with increases in many other outlays, SAC fertiliser and grassland specialist Lorna Galloway said it was increasingly important to know your soil and get your timing right for applicati