The Environment Agencys chief executive has been accused of misleading MPs on the effective ban on autumn muckspreading, which was introduced to improve water quality.
The Environment Agency’s chief executive has been accused of ‘misleading’ MPs on the effective ban on autumn muckspreading, which was introduced to improve water quality.
A glance at the Farmers Guardian website’s ‘most read’ section provided an interesting snapshot of what was capturing the attention of readers this week.
Farmers have hit out at Ed Sheeran’s plan to buy up as much UK land as possible for tree planting.
Farmers have hit out at Ed Sheerans plan to buy up as much UK land as possible for tree planting.
NFU Scotland has decided to challenge findings published in Lancet, the influential medical journal.
The Scottish Government has rejected calls for farmers to receive compensation where beaver damage is causing a financial loss.
A huge tranche of the hill land on the iconic Glen Dye Estate in the eastern Grampians has been sold for forestry and peatland restoration.
A huge tranche of the hill land on the iconic Glen Dye Estate in the eastern Grampians has been sold for forestry and peatland restoration.
UK agriculture must turn the net zero conundrum on its head and ‘see its current liabilities as assets’, the 2021 Nuffield Conference heard.