Duncan Parker is determined that his farming objectives will continue primarily as a food producer whilst embracing new payment systems and working towards net zero.
A new campaign is aiming to signpost farmers and landowners to woodland creations grants and free specialist advice. Hannah Binns spoke to Forestry Commission chief executive Richard Stanford about it.
The Governments failure to properly support nature-based solutions risks undermining the agricultural sector and net zero ambitions, a House of Lords report has warned.
The Government’s failure to properly support nature-based solutions risks undermining the agricultural sector and net zero ambitions, a House of Lords report has warned.
Shoppers will be able to see how the food they buy affects the environment, labour rights and land sovereignty under a framework put together by academics and industry experts.
Reports of soaring energy price rises of almost £1,000 a month have prompted calls for the Government to act as farming businesses feel the pinch.
Lack of consultation over a Government-funded peatland restoration project on Dartmoor, Devon, has led to a breakdown in trust between moorland users and officials and damaged a culturally important heritage site.
Farmers Guardian and scores of others across the agriculture sector have long argued that the greening of support payments poses an inherent threat to food security in this country.