The Welsh Government has unveiled an update to its heavily criticised water regulations, after admitting opposition to the plan had ‘introduced a level of uncertainty’.
The chairman of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee, Sir Robert Goodwill, has said he intends to look at the possibility of maintaining an element of direct support for ‘small’ farmers.
A Cumbrian farming couple has issued a desperate plea to the local authorities for help managing the River Derwent near Keswick after a flash flood led to the loss of 58 ewe lambs, writes Sarah Alderton
Defra has pledged to keep the new Environmental Land Management (ELM) scheme in place, despite a commitment from the new ministerial team to a rapid review of farm support.
The first ever Welsh Agriculture Bill has today gone before the Senedd in what is being described as the most important piece of agricultural legislation to go through the Welsh parliament since it was formed more than 20 years ago.
Oil giant BP has been accused of using ‘heavy handed’ tactics with farmers and landowners in order to push through plans for its first offshore windfarm.
Hundreds of acres of valuable Lincolnshire farmland are set to be lost if a proposed reservoir is given the go-ahead.
A pill based on farmyard dust that would prevent children from developing allergies may be available within five years, a group of scientists has revealed.
Farmers looking to beat rising energy costs by going ‘off grid’ in favour of red diesel-powered generators are being warned they could risk being targeted by thieves looking to cash in on larger fuel stocks.