Young Farmer Focus: James Nixey - 'A way of life, an attitude, an abundance of grit, and determination'

James Nixey, 26, is from Chinnor, Oxfordshire and works as a self-employed electrician while supporting and getting stuck in on the family’s mixed farm.

clock • 2 min read
Young Farmer Focus: James Nixey - 'A way of life, an attitude, an abundance of grit, and determination'

James Nixey, 26, is from Chinnor, Oxfordshire and works as a self-employed electrician while supporting and getting stuck in on the family’s mixed farm. 

Mud, tractors and a pair of leaky wellies – agriculture is so much more than I could ever try and put into words.

It is a way of life, an attitude, an abundance of grit and determination that you just do not see in other industries. Growing up surrounded by that ethos really shaped me into who I am today.  

I left school not really knowing what I wanted to do. I was pushed away from the struggles and uncertainty of life on the farm, but I knew I needed a challenge.

Having tried a few things, from construction to selling tractor parts, I fell into becoming an electrician and, before long, with that can-do attitude bred into me, I started out on my own.

What with Covid-19 lockdowns and the short supply of materials, it has been far from easy. It made growth hard, but I am glad the pandemic is behind us.

Recently, I was lucky enough to be elected as NFYFC’s vice chair of council along with Drew Bailey, under the enthusiastic chairmanship of Rosie Bennett. I cannot speak highly enough of YFC – there is pride in being surrounded by young people who are feeding the nation, supporting their local communities and excelling in all sorts of competitions. Young Farmers is an organisation like no other.

If you are thinking about joining, go for it – the opportunities are literally endless. I owe so much to YFC, which was a major reason for putting my name forward to be part of the national team. I am looking forward to being able to give back to young people in the countryside – after all, there is no association for young electricians.

I have lots of goals for the future. I would love to continue expanding my business while staying involved on the farm. I am hoping, if they will have me, to work towards becoming NFYFC Chair.

I also hope to raise my own family, ensuring they get the same inspiration from the agricultural way of life as I have. 

Oh, and if you want your new grain store wired up, let me know.




2010 Used Vaderstad Rapid A400S

2010 Used Vaderstad Rapid A400S


2018 Used KRM Sola 4.8m

2018 Used KRM Sola 4.8m


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