A simple, low-input system for an 80-cow herd produces a 73% milk-from-forage figure for Philip and David Clarke of Co Tyrone
Data from inexpensive methane sensors in the milking parlour at Newcastle University's Nafferton Farm is being used to look at the impact of selective breeding on emissions
RABDF/NMR Gold Cup finalist Will Venn has expanded cow numbers over the last 10 years and has aimed to make incremental performance improvements along the way
Developing a team approach and empowering that team to adopt a ‘measure, manage and monitor' mantra is key
A public consultation is seeking views on changing livestock feed controls currently prohibiting animal protein from being fed to farmed animals in England and Wales
The dairy sector showed its support for the NFU's Stop the Family Farm Tax campaign, with businesses adding signatures to the campaign pledge at Dairy-Tech
The winner of the NMR RABDF Gold Cup 2024 is Harper Adams University Future Farm, Newport, Shropshire
British dairy farmers have significantly reduced the number of pure-bred dairy bull calves being born on their farms, according to a report outlining the progress of the GB Dairy Calf Strategy
An ambitious plan to stamp out cases of lameness on British dairy farms over the next 20 years has been published
In a rapidly changing world, livestock genetics needs to be protected to safeguard the future of the industry and for food security, said Tullis Matson, director of the UK Livestock Biobank