Auctioneer pays emotional tribute to staff and customers as the doors close at the Scottish auction market
Huge variations in costs, particularly for forage and concentrates, were the drivers behind whether spring-calving suckler herds made a profit or not.
The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland said it was pulling away successfully from the financial impact of the pandemic, but still facing the headwinds of increased costs.
Scottish Government needs to make a clear statement rejecting the reintroduction of the lynx to the countryside, after proposals were put back on the agenda.
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs Mairi Gougeon has announced the appointment of three new directors to the board of Quality Meat Scotland. Emma Buckby, Jilly Duncan Grant and Carrie Ruxton will serve on the board for a four year term.
A picturesque setting can be the perfect backdrop for a new enterprise. Ewan Pate visited Carroglen to find out more.
Pig slaughter numbers have fallen to the lowest levels on record as the standard pig price (SPP) continues to climb to new highs.
A procession of 40 tractors made its way around Strathmore on Sunday (April 16) on a fun run with a serious purpose.
Farmers have voiced their support for a farmer takeover or cooperative at Forfar auction market to save the mart.