A picturesque setting can be the perfect backdrop for a new enterprise. Ewan Pate visited Carroglen to find out more. Many hill farms in Scotland have a stunning setting, but Carroglen in Perthshire...
A picturesque setting can be the perfect backdrop for a new enterprise. Ewan Pate visited Carroglen to find out more. Many hill farms in Scotland have a stunning setting, but Carroglen in Perthshire...
Commercial Secured Bridging Loans for Business
Livestock farmers in England are being encouraged to sign up for free vet visits through the TB Advisory Service (TBAS) before the service’s funding ends
Vaccination finance calculators – one for sheep and one for beef cattle – have been developed by the ADHB to help vets and farmers assess the potential economic risk or return for a farm considering vaccinating flocks and herds against bluetongue serotype 3 (BTV-3) this year
Yeo Valley said it was working in partnership with ABP Food Group to bring Yeo Valley Organic free-range and grass-fed beef burgers to the market