With current subsidy payments gradually being phased out, there will be little margin for error for sheep farmers. Maximising productivity and efficiency will become increasingly critical to business resilience, and farmers will need to seek every opportunity to make incremental gains in flock performance.
With some good-looking forage maize crops this season, there is a strong argument for preserving that potential. What can be done to guard against the multiple threats in the clamp?
Nearly all farmers taking part in a recent calf survey recognised the link between well reared heifers and future performance, yet data suggests there is huge scope for producers to drive efficiencies further.
Two key strains of Mannheimia haemolytica bacteria are likely to be responsible for pneumonia in calves, with a third of unknown pathogenic status.
The potential to drive genetic gain, make more informed breeding decisions and improve efficiencies begs the question as to why you would not genomically test heifers.
Feeding the right amount of a quality milk replacer so that heifer calves hit growth rate targets will positively impact on their performance once they enter the herd.
Choosing a specially formulated calf milk replacer alongside top-notch management has helped one Dorset family to address issues with calf scours.
Using sexed female and sexed male semen is helping one farmer optimise the value of every calf.
Using ultrasound on calves’ lungs has helped one Powys calf rearer to pick up signs of respiratory disease earlier, target antibiotic use and reduce mortality.
Segmenting the herd and targeting sexed female and male semen towards appropriate animals will help optimise any sexed and beef strategy.