Red Tractor has appointed Kit Papworth as its new Combinable Crops and Sugar Beet Sector chair after Guy Smith stepped down earlier this year.
Results from a recently published Elanco survey, conducted by Farmers Guardian, show only one in five sheep farmers are following current Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) advice and incorporating a newer wormer active into worming programmes, raising concerns about the rate at which wormer resistance is continuing to develop.
THE Country Land and Business Association (CLA) has called for an immediate ban on disposable barbeques amid warnings of further wildfires.
Landlords are being urged not to resume tenanted land in order to cash-in on new public funding as concerns for the future of the sector mount.
Regulations concerning tenancies in the UK are complicated and continually changing. But with the country facing a housing crisis, CLA senior legal adviser Harry Flanagan offers her advice for landowners looking to make the most of buildings on their farms.
The pandemic brought about a renewed interest in access across farmland. The CLA’s Sophie Dwerryhouse warns professional advice is vital if farmers are to keep on the right path.
FINANCIAL pressures from rising input costs, the transition away from direct payments and the cost of living crisis were likely to hit farmers’ mental health in an industry which is already facing high levels of poor mental health.
Nick and Nicci Lloyd have seen an abundance of wildlife return to Fernhall Farm, Herefordshire, since they began farming the 121-hectare (300-acre) site in 2017.
LEADERSHIP and personal development were high on the agenda at last week’s rural growth summit, Cultivate 2022. Farmers Guardian was media partner for the event and Ben Briggs and Katie Jones report from Cheshire.
There are several ways to produce an effective seedbed. Mike Abram explores the pros and cons of how to set the foundation for establishment, weed control and weather resilience.