Following the launch of Defra’s Annual Health and Welfare Review last week, Katie Fallon looks at how farmers can get involved.
With unvaccinated livestock at risk of clostridial diseases, farmers are being urged to plan ahead for vaccine supply issues.
With beet moth damage also causing yellowing in sugar beet crops, British Beet Research Organisation (BBRO) lead scientist warns the disease threat of virus yellows remains.
A new cover crops guide for farmers in northern England will bring together farmer-led, independent information about species selection, establishment and termination.
A farmer-led research project exploring new ways to manage slug damage is seeking ‘Slug Scouts’ who will trap and send in slugs for feeding studies.
Growers who consistently get the best oilseed rape yields are those who ‘get the basics right.’
As Basis takes over administration of the National Register of Sprayer Operators from City & Guilds some growers are reporting challenges with the transition
The Animal and Plant Health Association (APHA) has announced that field trials for cattle vaccine and new skin test for Bovine Tuberculosis (TB) are moving onto the next phase, in the fight to eradicate the disease.
As attention turns to spring weed control, grass-weeds are the priority. Farmers Guardian reports
With lambing time on the horizon, vets offer a reminder of best practice with a focus on low antibiotic use, colostrum quality and ewe nutrition.