The supply chain and fairness for farmers must be at the top of todays food summit agenda, industry leaders have demanded.
Farmers receiving massively inflated bills have been urged to challenge the energy companies, after reports of people getting bills demanding thousands of pounds.
Farmers receiving âmassively inflatedâ bills have been urged to challenge the energy companies, after reports of people getting bills demanding thousands of pounds.
Colostrum is key to overall calf health and performance, but good management is paramount for high concentration and efficient absorption of antibodies.
Agriculture students from leading universities and colleges have taken part in a competition designed to provide a unique insight into the role of the modern agronomist.
LEAF Open Farm Sunday is a firm favourite in the farming calendar, but it has also given visitors the chance to find a role in the industry.
To the farming community, livestock genetics and artificial insemination are commonplace, but to the outside world, it is a far from obvious career path. Kayleigh Bowen, lead lab services technician at Cogent Breeding, fell into the role by accident.
Landlords who applied for an exemption from Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) for let residential property in 2018 are reminded that their exemption expires this year.
There is a shortage of hedgelayers, but it could provide the perfect opportunities for young people. Howard Walsh meets two female hedgelayers who are key to this rural crafts future.
Farmers need to plan their cattle buying policy carefully to help keep Scotland free of bovine TB, with an increasing demand from farmers in England for Scottish breeding stock.