A host of grass-weeds are becoming an increasing issue in the north of England and Scotland. Farmers Guardian finds out what lessons can be learned from the battles fought in parts of the country managing resistant grass-weeds for decades.
With many farmers experiencing a rebound in grass-weed numbers this year, stubble management will be key to reducing viable seed levels.
Calcium and magnesium are important elements to get right for dairy cows, as the wrong levels can lead to hypocalcaemia and other health problems
Simon Nelson advises farmers on a wide range of arable and forage crops across Cumbria, north Lancashire and into south west Scotland. He has worked for Agrovista for 23 years.
With variety decisions for the coming season at the forefront of minds, Alice Dyer attended an AHDB and ADAS Recommended List variety demo in Herefordshire, to find out which varieties are best suited to the West.
A Hertfordshire farmer and former National Farmers' Union deputy president Stuart Roberts has shared how he transformed his farm's safety record in just 30 days, at a cost of less than £750.
With cover crop drilling set to closely follow the combines, Alice Dyer explores what the perfect species mix might look like.
The final part of our grassland guide looks to break down the basics of a key regenerative grazing strategy and understand how it can be implemented within a livestock grazing system