Data capture systems are increasingly being used by dairy farmers and vets to inform herd health planning and benchmark performance
A new technology which disrupts bacterial communication and behaviour is proving successful in on-farm mastitis control and could look to replace antibiotic treatment
Concern over a shortage of large animal vets is mounting, as farmers left without access to livestock specialists accuse Government of merely paying ‘lip service’ to the problem.
Watery mouth is one of the most common diseases affecting young lambs. Veterinary surgeon, Will Barker, Castle Vets, Barnard Castle, offers some advice on its prevention.
Careful management of suckler cows at this time of year can pay dividends for the future. Veterinary surgeon, Joe Henry, of Black Sheep Farm Health, Rothbury, offers some advice.
Improving the cow’s environment by making small changes can significantly help to increase the number of lactations she remains in the herd and her overall profitability. Hannah Noble reports.
Improving the cows environment by making small changes can significantly help to increase the number of lactations she remains in the herd and her overall profitability. Hannah Noble reports.
Leptospirosis is an infectious, contagious, and even fatal disease found in cattle. Dawn Prime speaks to a vet to find out more about the disease, its symptoms and treatment options.
The difficulties of maintaining BVD-free status and the need for absolute attention to detail were highlighted by vet Magda Sioukiouroglou in a recent case involving a dairy farm in South Wales. Hannah Park reports.
Vets have called on the Government to ensure workforce capacity meets demand following Boris Johnson’s pledge to bolster animal health and welfare and food standards in a future trade deal with the EU.