Welsh Conservatives set to launch its 'Welsh Farming and Countryside Scheme' at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair, as an alternative to the Welsh Government's 'damaging' Sustainable Farming Scheme
Welsh Conservatives said the family farm tax will be 'detrimental to the future of farming in Wales', warning that food security will be 'threatened and food prices will rise'
"Labour have not thought through this policy"
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Climate Change Huw Irranca-Davies confirmed the carbon sequestration evidence panel would be reporting its findings to the ministerial roundtable 'anytime soon'
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Climate Change Huw Irranca-Davies said: "What we are doing is bringing forward a scheme that is right and accessible to all farmers, in order to do that we need lock the doors, bury ourselves away, and crunch through some serious matters"
Farmers' Union of Wales senior policy adviser Rebecca Voyle outlines what funding schemes are available now and over the next few months for farmers in Wales
Applications for the new Integrated Natural Resources Scheme (INRS) are until September 27
The banking organisation has launched its 'Sustainable Farming Pathway' with the farming charity, Linking Environment and Farming (LEAF)
This week's column from Farmers Guardian's chief reporter Rachael Brown, reflecting on how the revolving door at the Senedd is impacting on Welsh agriculture at a critical point in the development of the Sustainable Farming Scheme