Ambitious renewable energy targets will require a large amount of agricultural land across Scotland and the rest of the UK, with the impact not well-understood.
Scottish crofters can now apply for larger sums of money to upgrade their housing under the Croft House Grant.
Farmers need to ask themselves where they want their business to be in 10 years’ time if they wanted to take control and manage change before it manages them.
With a wide difference in incomes between different agricultural sectors this season, Cedric Porter reports on the latest Farm Business Income figures.
Common grazings have been a feature of the crofting areas of Scotland for centuries and cover still over 500,000 hectares of the highlands and islands.
One or more national park was likely to be on the way in Scotland, but NFU Scotland has raised concerns that the move would stifle growth in the countryside.
Labour needs to scrap its promise of an English Right to Roam act if it wishes to be ‘the party of the countryside’, according to the CLA.
Slow progress on climate change mitigation policies mean the Scottish Government is being left behind, not only by other countries but by the Scottish farming industry itself.
Contracts between farmers and companies wishing to offset their environmental impact are now coming to the fore.
A series of events designed to demystify and spark fresh discussion on the benefits of peatland restoration will take place across Scotland between March 6-23.