The Home Secretary Suella Braverman told a London conference there was no good reason the UK could not train up enough fruit pickers or butchers
A man has been charged after 93 pregnant sheep were chased by a dog near Auchterarder in Perthshire.
Farmers need to plan their cattle buying policy carefully to help keep Scotland free of bovine TB, with an increasing demand from farmers in England for Scottish breeding stock.
The Scottish Governments land reform plans run the risk of failing rural Scotland for generations if the private business sectors economic and environmental contribution is not embraced.
Huge variations in costs, particularly for forage and concentrates, were the drivers behind whether spring-calving suckler herds made a profit or not.
The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland said it was pulling away successfully from the financial impact of the pandemic, but still facing the headwinds of increased costs.
Scottish Government needs to make a clear statement rejecting the reintroduction of the lynx to the countryside, after proposals were put back on the agenda.