A stringent selection policy has brought steady improvement to the quality of Reuben Saunders' Wiltshire-based 420-ewe pedigree Lleyn flock
Keeping copies of seed invoices and photographic evidence of field operations is advised when establishing herbal leys under Government schemes
Sonja and Perin Dineley's dream is to balance agriculture with biodiversity across their three farms in Cranbourne Chase, south Wiltshire. Sara Gregson finds out more
Angus-based farmers, Neil and Jillian McEwan, researched various livestock possibilities before deciding that goats were the best option for them. Lynsey Clark finds out more.
Performance recording his flock comes naturally to Stuart Dawes, who has been keeping meticulous records since he started sheep farming just over 10 years ago
Implementing rotational grazing strategies to make your grass go further can be a key way to achieve optimal lamb performance while reducing input costs
In spite of unpredictable weather, farmers just have to get on with it, as do John and Sarah Yeomans, whose annual rainfall has nearly doubled since 2010. Gaina Morgan reports
Part four of our grassland guide looks at what is involved in a rotational grazing strategy
Part four of our grassland guide looks at the fundamentals of regenerative grazing