Industry figures said if the Government want to protect food production, the best way to do that was to ensure Sustainable Farming Incentive applicants had to fill in an ‘active farming test'
Harry Greenfield is the Nature lead at the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and author of the report: 'Ahead of the curve: A preparatory guide on nature for the agri-food sector'
The Chancellor 'closes the door' on proposals to restrict Agricultural Property Relief only to landlords prepared to let long-term. TFA had called for the change to encourage more secure Farm Business Tenancies
Neil Lindsay is managing director at BLC Energy, a renewable energy development company specialising in utility scale solar PV and co-located battery storage projects across the UK
The Country Land and Business Association (CLA) have asked for a permanent reduction in VAT to 12.5 per cent for accommodation and attractions, which would not only boost the rural economy, but help the Government deliver its net zero objectives
The Prime Minister told farmers he would 'never stop fighting for them'
With England considering a tenant farming commissioner, chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to Scotland’s Dr Bob McIntosh about the sector north of the border
The retailer joins Aldi and Morrisons as the latest supermarket to sign up to the food campaign
Secretary of State, Steve Barclay said he has met with the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) and ‘changes have been made' following the tragic death of farmer Rocky Poulson
Outgoing NFU president Minette Batters, who was succeeded by Tom Bradshaw this week, expressed her frustration around Mr Sunak's use of language