Hydrogen sulphide, a deadly gas emitted by slurry, is responsible for farming fatalities every year
The Defra Secretary will launch a consultation on a new strategic approach to managing land use in England today (January 31)
Natural Resources Wales said it would stop issuing new permits for farmers to dispose of sheep dip on land
Harrison Ford is instantly recognisable to many as the face of legendary fictional character Indiana Jones, but he has now thrown his hat into the ring to support British farmers producing barley
The 'Red Shepherdess' voices her support for the petition to embed food, farming and sustainability education into the national curriculum
NFU Council members voted in favour of undertaking further protest activity in the hope of overturning the family farm tax
Could the banks be the next ally of British farming in the family farm tax debate?
Farmers and politicians are calling for greater support to be provided to Scottish farming and rural communities in addressing the challenges of rural depopulation
Supermarkets have joined forces to speak up for farmers and growers against the Government's proposed changes to Inheritance Tax
The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) has released further information on costings for the Inheritance Tax policy proposed in the Autumn Budget