The Scottish Crofting Federation has urged Scotland's Agriculture Jim Fairlie to make changes to the Whole Farm Plan which are 'proportionate' to the needs of crofters
The Competition and Markets Authority has provisionally cleared 2 Sisters owner Boparan’s proposed deal to buy feed mills
NFU vice-president Rachel Hallos said collaboration was critical in clamping down on rural crime, agricultural thefts and hare coursing, and called on the Government to implement a national rural crime strategy
The sheep trade should find support from upcoming religious festivals
Rob Black said often tenants make assumptions of their landlords and vice versa. He said there was a need for more ‘genuine conversations’ encouraging landlords and tenants to ‘sit down and talk to each other’
A new report has revealed that farmers across Britain are continuing to experience the emotional and financial impact of livestock worrying attacks on-farm
Countryside Alliance chief executive Tim Bonner said changes to shotgun ownership could have a detrimental impact on farming and rural communities
Argyll and Bute Councillor Alastair Redman said lab-grown meat 'undermined' the work of farmers and crofters in producing high-quality meat
Livestock worrying continues to impact farmers financially and emotionally. Is it time for dog owners to start taking FG's 'Take the Lead' campaign seriously?
Concerns for animal health grow amid foot-and-mouth disease and Northern Ireland illegal meat find