Vice-president David Exwood will stand for Deputy, alongside Thomas Binns, Rachel Hallos and Michael Oakes
Minette Batters warned it was easy to say Red Tractor should be scrapped, but what would follow would be worse
Assurance body says feedback was only required from governance members
Defra Secretary of State Steve Barclay pledges to make farmers' lives easier
Hopes new rules will reduce fly tipping on farmland
NFU declares move a victory for lobbying as Government says horticulture sector supports Food Strategy objectives
Mr Sunak urged more retailers to introduce the tool for consumers
Government urged to encourage retailers to back British as results of FTAs start to bite
NFU has published its manifesto ahead of the next general election urging all political parties to support policies which back British food and farming
Industry groups question new five-point plan to cut reliance on foreign workers