Ecocool silage additive dramatically reduces harmful mycotoxin levels in maize silage exposed to air, but new research reveals that high initial contamination requires specialist treatment.
It has certainly been a challenging maize growing season for many farmers around the UK, and now growers will be facing tricky decisions over when best to harvest the crop
Farming on heavy clay land at 550 feet means James Wooldridge of Crosspark Farm, North Devon, is constantly fighting against time and the weather to get his arable and maize crops drilled and harvested successfully, with appropriate variety selection critical to his crops’ performance.
The correct timing of harvest is absolutely essential when thinking about the quality of maize silage - but how else can we maximise potential?
A Welsh dairy farm is companion cropping maize with sunflowers to reduce its purchased protein costs
After a very difficult year, farmers are finding that managing maize is becoming more of a challenge - but how can they overcome this?
Helen is a fifth-generation farmer who farms with her parents, David and Anne Shaw, husband, Craig, and their children, Alfred and Hattie, at Grey Leys Farm in the Vale of York. The farm comprises 162 hectares (400 acres) of grass, maize and wholecrop for the herd of 240 pedigree Jersey cows and more than 200 followers
Excess production of carbon dioxide in silage clamps is a sign that hard-earned silage feed value is being lost. But how could an additive help?
The maize and sunflower harvest could be reduced by 35% this year,
Helen is a fifth-generation farmer who farms with her parents, David and Anne Shaw, husband, Craig, and their children, Alfred and Hattie, at Grey Leys Farm in the Vale of York. The farm comprises 162 hectares (400 acres) of grass, maize and wholecrop for the herd of 240 pedigree Jersey cows and more than 200 followers