UFU said the delay to the Suckler Cow Scheme will not suit farmers who are spring calving
It said the decision was a reflection of the 'reality' of the livestock industry right now with 'reducing stock numbers nationally' and the 'increasing financial pressures on the agricultural industry'
Many farmers want to see a ‘fundamental change' in Red Tractor and will be ‘suspicious' of the assurance body's attempt of ‘papering over the cracks' with enhanced communication efforts
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have not yet licensed the use of BTV-3 vaccines, but said they would keep it under review
NFU livestock board chair David Barton said: "We are incredibly disappointed to hear that some farmers in the Restricted Zone are being unfairly penalised by having deductions taken from some processors in the supply chain"
The session starts at 7pm on October 4
FSA charges are currently discounted according to the number of hours involved so that smaller abattoir businesses, which require fewer hours regulation, receive a greater discount
NFU president Tom Bradshaw said the union's response covers ‘some of the benefits' which farm assurance schemes provides, but it also covers the ‘inescapable issues' that must be addressed
Dairy farmer Michael Williams and his vet Rhiannon Lewis are utilising historical test data on-farm to identify ‘residual disease risk' in clear-testing cattle, through the identification and management of high-risk animals for slaughter and improved biosecurity
Farmers in England who have been shortlisted for Defra's second round of Slurry Infrastructure grant funding must complete a slurry store location and design assessment form before September 30 2024