With a new type of farming tenancy being rolled out by the Crown Estate, FG's chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to Paul Sedgwick about the estate’s plans
It follows a decision made by an inspector in relation to a planning appeal from a developer which had been refused consent for a solar farm on land in Somerset
This week's podcast discusses the benefits of positive relationships between landlords and tenants
Church Commissioners principal asset manager Ciara Williams said ‘early' conversations were actively encouraged with ‘next generation tenants' on Agricultural Holdings Act or Farm Business Tenancies, but it should be about ‘what is the future of the business, rather than pure succession'
The Commissioner will be appointed this autumn
With the focus on landlord-tenant relationships at the NFU tenant conference, some farmers felt more needed to be done to tackle bad practice by landlords and their land agents
NSA's chief executive Phil Stocker said he was seeing a 'breakdown in traditional sheep farming and grazing practices', adding with holdings becoming unviable and tenants often not having the opportunity to benefit from the schemes that land is being entered to
TFA chief executive George Dunn said it was a shame that we needed a Code of Practice to tell people how to behave, adding 'for too long tenants have felt marginalised and mistreated and this Code of Practice is a major step forward for the sector'
Over 60 tenants attended a meeting at Penrith Auction Mart last night (April 3). Many had either already been given notices to quit by their landlord or were having difficult conversations
Industry figures said if the Government want to protect food production, the best way to do that was to ensure Sustainable Farming Incentive applicants had to fill in an ‘active farming test'