Heat stress in UK dairy herds can have a massive impact on milk yield, fertility, and cow welfare, yet it often goes unnoticed until it's too late...
Research has shown heat stress at any point during the dry period can affect the lifetime performance and productivity of the developing foetus
Heat stress is one of the most challenging stressors on dairy cow production, compromising milk yield and quality and overall profitability
For the Bayley family, changes to the accommodation for their housed herd of cows was made necessary after issues with heat stress in 2022
In addition to its ability to detect heats accurately and reliably, the SenseHub® dairy cow monitoring system from MSD Animal Health also provides around-the-clock health and welfare monitoring for hard-working dairy cows.
Heat stress is becoming an increasingly frequent problem on UK dairy farms, having a significant impact on milk production, cow health, welfare and fertility, costing on average £128 per cow per year