Referring to the Slurry Infrastructure Grant, Henry Clemons, an associate in rural consultancy at Knight Frank said while invaluable for farming businesses, the application process ‘demands a significant amount of detail, technical expertise and resources that many farmers simply do not possess or cannot afford to divert from their core operations'
With now 102 actions to choose from in the latest Sustainable Farming Incentive announcement, NFU senior countryside adviser Claire Robinson runs through the new options
Figures from April 2024 suggests that the current scheme had provided direct one-to-one support to over 12,000 businesses so far. The FFRF runs until March 2025
Labour party leader Sir Keir Starmer writes exclusively for Farmers Guardian outlining what his party will do for farming
NFU president said the wording 'disrespects' the incredible efforts farmers and the industry have made to try and deliver TB eradication by 2038
The Green party co-leader and candidate for Waveney Valley Adrian Ramsay explains what his party can deliver for British farming and the environment
Tenant Farmers Association national chair Robert Martin said: "There is enough evidence to show that there is market failure in food supply chains in this country and we need a Government that is committed to ensuring that those market failures are addressed"
The manifesto laid out plans for the farming budget, future of ELMs, food labelling, bovine TB, trade agreements and a commitment to making sure all imported food meets UK health and welfare standards
Speaking at the Future Countryside event, the Shadow Defra Secretary stressed the importance of devolution to initiate positive change in rural communities
85 per cent of respondents in a CLA survey said the planning system has hampered the growth of their business