Farmers in England who have been shortlisted for Defra's second round of Slurry Infrastructure grant funding must complete a slurry store location and design assessment form before September 30 2024
With cases of bluetongue now reported as far north as Yorkshire, FG chief reporter Rachael Brown spoke to the UK, Welsh and Scottish Chief Veterinary Officers on the current situation
The former Scottish Secretary of State was appointed after standing unopposed for the role
The widow of farmer Rocky Poulson, who ended his life four days after a farm inspection, reflects on the similarities between what happened to her husband and the tragic case of headteacher Ruth Perry, who took her own life after Ofsted inspectors said they would downgrade the school from outstanding to the lowest grade - inadequate
On September 18 the Sêr Cymru Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB at Aberystwyth University will be hosting its annual conference. This year the event focuses on the social dimensions of managing bovine TB in cattle
The widow of Warwickshire farmer Rocky Poulson who ended his life four days after a farm inspection said only 'slight changes' have been made and a more 'compassionate approach' was needed
James and Isobel, with their two young children, recently bought their first farm, and plan to run beef and sheep over 13.8 hectares (34 acres), renting a further 44.5ha (110 acres). James works for tech firm Breedr as UK country manager. You can follow them on Twitter @jpbwfarm
Amends to existing legislation means free-range eggs can continue to be labelled as such during mandatory housing measures, a move Defra said would cut ‘unnecessary red tape and costs for British producers'
A spokesperson for River Action said: "It was a genuine mistake corrected minutes later in the BBC programme"
Chris Dodds on fair prices and illegal imports