Storm Eowyn caused havoc - has it impacted the start of Emma Gray's lambing season?
In a blog for Farmers Guardian, shepherdess and top sheepdog triallist Emma Gray talks about the generational pull of farming
In a blog for Farmers Guardian, shepherdess and top dog trialler Emma Gray discusses the furore around Inheritance Tax and what it could mean for the farmed landscape, plus why educating children about farming is key to its survival
In a blog for Farmers Guardian, shepherdess and top dog trialler Emma Gray discusses drama at the International sheepdog trials
In a blog for Farmers Guardian, shepherdess and top dog trialler Emma Gray talks organic lamb and the drama at the Scottish National sheepdog trials
With #LoveLambWeek nearly over, Emily Ashworth looks into whether lamb needs an image overhaul
In the first of a new blog series with Emma Gray, the renowned sheepdog trialler talks organic lambs, relentless rain and preparing to face Blackface sheep