Some 300 cattle entries, along with 1,000 sheep, 200 pigs and 50 goats, made Edenbridge and Oxted Show the largest gathering of livestock in the South East this year.
Becky Fenton and husband Paul milk 180 pedigree Holsteins under the Springlebee prefix at Centenary Farm, a Cheshire county council farm. In 2021, they bought a farm in Staffordshire and they plan to farm there once the new dairy set-up has been built.
Renowned dairy breeder and judge Paul Harrison, from Northumberland, heads to this year’s Dairy Show to judge the Dairy Shorthorn classes for the first time. Katie Fallon finds out more about his history and success within the industry.
The Jersey Cattle Society of the UK is holding its national show at this year’s Dairy Show which will be judged this year by Duncan Hunter, owner of Hunter Dairy Consulting.
The management of calf rearing and the standard of housing facilities are key factors in the overall health, welfare and performance of calves. So how do you get things right when individual systems are so varied?
Nowadays most dairy farmers understand good colostrum management is key, but exactly what that entails is more often a point of debate.
Getting the optimum quantity and quality of colostrum is key for new born calves but making the right choice when it comes to following on from colostrum onto milk replacers is also vital.
For Mark and Susie Mottershead, who farm at The Brook, Wrexham, the 2020 lockdown prompted a focus on calves within their pedigree Holstein herd which were not performing as well as they wanted them to.
When rearing all your own replacement heifers within a closed herd, the team at the University of Edinburgh’s Langhill Farm says it is particularly important calves get off to a good start.
Dairy, beef and sheep farmers are being encouraged to record their on-farm antibiotic use via Medicine Hub, either via their vet or individually.