The Aireburn herd from Skipton, North Yorkshire, has been crowned as the winner of the 2022 Holstein UK National Premier Herd Award.
Rather than look at historic data coming out of dairy herds, Adam Clay, head of technical at NWF, said farmers should instead look at what ‘lead measures’ could be taken advantage of this winter.
Dairy farmers should be ‘massively proud’ of what they do every day and of the quality of food they produce, said John Allen, of Kite Consulting, speaking at one of the UK Dairy Day panel sessions.
The number of animals slaughtered due to bovine TB in England has fallen by 20 per cent, according to the latest Government figures.
The County Council farm system has been instrumental in helping young farmers Harry Knott and Grace Barwell secure their dream in running a dairy farm. Ellie Layton reports.
Faced with variable quality forages and tight stocks, taking steps to maximise intakes and minimise waste at feedout will be crucial this winter.
A ringside round-up from the hot competition at UK Dairy Day, including three National shows.
A major focus on improving udder health and milking parlour performance at a Welsh dairy farm has reduced herd somatic cell count to under 100,000 cells/ml for the first time in 15 years. Debbie James reports.
The Brown Swiss and the Holstein are milked in equal numbers on a small family farm in North Yorkshire and the two breeds complement each other perfectly, according to producer, Emily Bradley. Wendy Short reports.