Correct management in the transition period, including meeting greater needs for trace minerals, underpins milk yields, fertility and profitability in the subsequent lactation.
Heat stress is becoming an increasingly frequent problem on UK dairy farms, having a significant impact on milk production, cow health, welfare and fertility, costing on average £128 per cow per year
Colostrum is key to overall calf health and performance, but good management is paramount for high concentration and efficient absorption of antibodies.
The provision and quality of water is paramount to overall cow health and performance, but these are areas of management which are often overlooked.
Ensuring heifers have a long and productive life is crucial to maintaining a profitable dairy enterprise, and achieving optimal growth rates pre-weaning can help realise this.
Getting the transition period right can help achieve better results during lactation and improve overall cow health and productivity.
An important element of the dairy cow’s diet, starch is often overlooked, but is a key component throughout the cow’s life, says Dugdale Nutrition’s veterinary technical manager Debby Brown.