The event is led by the same group of farmers who organised the 'Save Family Farms' rally outside Westminster on November 19
New analysis shows hill farmers are only receiving 8% or £39m of the Government's new farming support scheme, the Sustainable Farming Incentive, despite the uplands occupying ‘around 15% of England's area'
MPs will hold the first evidence session of this inquiry next week, scrutinising the potential impacts of proposed changes to Agricultural Property Relief and Business Property Relief
The next steps of the campaign include lobbying Labour MPs with on-farm accountants, huge banners and stickers, and a 'campaign moment at Lamma show in January
"57% say they trust Labour less as a result of the Inheritance Tax decision and nearly a quarter of Labour voters say they are now unhappy about the way they voted at the General Election"
It said the decision was a reflection of the 'reality' of the livestock industry right now with 'reducing stock numbers nationally' and the 'increasing financial pressures on the agricultural industry'
"Scottish farmers and crofters deserved a Budget that recognised their indispensable role in Scotland’s rural and national prosperity"
Shadow Efra Secretary Victoria Atkins pays tribute to farmers insisting 'city dwelling' Labour ministers have got their tax figures wrong
Cuts to the agriculture budget could lead to a ‘nature and climate catastrophe’
James farms Dairy Shorthorns east of Kendal, Cumbria, with his parents Kathleen and Henry, wife Michelle and sons Robert and Chris. The fifth generation to farm at Strickley, he is also vice-chair of the Nature Friendly Farming Network