James farms Dairy Shorthorns east of Kendal, Cumbria, with his parents Kathleen and Henry, wife Michelle and sons Robert and Chris. The fifth generation to farm at Strickley, he is also vice-chair of the Nature Friendly Farming Network
Groups launch legal challenges saying Government has broken manifesto promises to end badger cull
Rock legend says content will will turn cattle farming practices ‘upside down'
Rural Affairs Secretary Huw Irranca-Davies said he wanted the board to be represented 'largely' by farmers, with a farmer also set to be named its chair
From an auctioneer's advice on when to sell livestock this summer to how Farm Safety Week can mark the beginning of a new chapter for safer farming- these are six farming stories not to miss this week on FG
MPs and NFU told farming is 'absolutely' at the heart of Government's plan to boost economic growth
The 83 words mentioned in the Labour manifesto aren't enough for us to understand the detail of their policies
NFU National Livestock Board chair David Barton said the description of badger culling in the eradication of Bovine TB as 'ineffective' in the Labour Party manifesto was 'personal' and 'deeply upsetting' to farmers and businesses
Mr Irranca-Davies has told Farmers Guardian readers that the Conservative Party has made life 'much harder' for farmers
Welsh Conservative Shadow Rural Affairs Minister James Evans has written a blog for Farmers Guardian outlining his party's backing for the farming community, agriculture's vital role to Wales and Labour's Sustainable Farming Scheme