A fourth-generation dairy farmer from Pembrokeshire has gone down with bTB after five years of being TB free. He has criticised the Welsh Government for ‘burying their heads in the sand'
The latest research study commissioned by Defra, focused on farmers social attitudes towards a TB vaccination for cattle. The cost, trading implications and efficacy of the vaccination were just some of the concerns raised
Welsh conservative assembly member Janet Finch-Saunders asked Ms Griffiths why there is not an ‘even playing field' when it comes to the bTB testing charts across Wales, England and Scotland
With an ambitious target being set on eradicating bovine TB (bTB) in Derbyshire, Rachael Brown spoke to farmers on the front line in the county.
The new Defra Farming Minister, Mark Spencer, has hinted that a rethink on the phase out of badger culling could be on the way.