Alan Carter farms in partnership with his parents, Paul and Christine, on a 162 hectare (400-acre), 400-cow dairy unit at Constantine, Cornwall, with 130 milking cows, supplying Saputo. Alan, also a Parish Councillor, and his wife Sarah, have two children, Ross and Dana
BBC documentary 'Brian May: The Badgers, the Farmers and Me' has been blasted by farming groups as ‘irresponsible, inaccurate and unacceptable’
From an impartiality row following the promotion of Brian May's badger documentary to catching up with farmers about their harvest time so far - these are six farming stories not to miss this week on FG
NFU National Livestock Board chair David Barton said the description of badger culling in the eradication of Bovine TB as 'ineffective' in the Labour Party manifesto was 'personal' and 'deeply upsetting' to farmers and businesses
This week from Farmers Guardian's editor Olivia Midgley
The Prime Minister said the Conservatives had been the only party to make a commitment to continue badger culling
NFU president said the wording 'disrespects' the incredible efforts farmers and the industry have made to try and deliver TB eradication by 2038
Sir Keir Starmer launched the party’s manifesto on June 13 in Greater Manchester
Report accuses Government of issuing 17 cull licences despite leading Natural England scientist saying the action could not be 'justified'
NFU President Tom Bradshaw said: "The success of the bTB eradication strategy is dependent on a range of methods to tackle the disease, including badger vaccination, responsible cattle movements and badger control"