Lamb prices are 93p/kg above last year's figures
Red Tractor interim chair Alistair Mackintosh said his focus was on improving farmers trust in Red Tractor, through 'greater transparency and increasing audit efficiency.'
Alastair Sneddon on delays to bovine EID
The Livestock Auctioneer's Association has launched MartSafe 3.0, a third year of its training programme for livestock market staff
Red Tractor interim chair, Alistair Mackintosh provoked frustration from farmers and auctioneers after comments he was achieving better prices due to Red Tractor assurance than he would have done at the auction mart
This week's letter from Red Tractor's Interim Chair Alistair Mackintosh
Tom Greenow on sheep and cattle trade
Adult sheep slaughter continues to decline as lamb prices reach new highs
Neil Wilson, executive director at the Institute of Auctioneers and Appraisers in Scotland, and Ellis Mutch, an Aberdeenshire auctioneer part of the ANM Group, joins us on the podcast this week
Highlights from some of this week's sales