READ NOW: Next generation farmers celebrated at first Young British Farming Awards
The Young British Farming Awards, organised by Farmers Guardian and the British Farming Awards, saw young trailblazers recognised from all over the UK.
READ NOW: SHEEP SPECIAL: Lancashire family's passion for Dalesbred sheep spans four generations
With bloodlines dating back to the 1950's the Dalesbred breed has been at the heart of the Dawson family's farming heritage for four generations.
The UK's Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss has declared a bluetongue-restricted zone across Norfolk and Suffolk following the uptake in cases since the end of August.
READ NOW: College provides timely reminder to farmers regarding silage stocks ahead of winter season
A land-based educational facility in Northern Ireland has asked farmers to take stock of the amount of silage they will need on farm ahead of the winter period.
READ NOW: Harvest 24: mixed results and a move on to next year
As harvest 2024 approaches its final stages, the key takeaway remains that it has been variable as farmers record mixed results and turn their thoughts to autumn drilling.
READ NOW: Getting the right view: Advice for installing security cameras and alarms
Technological advances mean that it is possible to protect even remote sites with CCTV and gate entry systems, but it is important to choose the correct system for your needs.