Simmental claims top honours at Edenbridge and Oxted Show

With glorious weather and increased entries across all the livestock sections, there was a record visitor turn out at this year’s two-day show. Jane Howard reports

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Inter-breed beef champion, British Simmental cow, Brandane Kirsty, from Jimmy McMillan, Suffolk.

Inter-breed beef champion, British Simmental cow, Brandane Kirsty, from Jimmy McMillan, Suffolk.

The British Simmental cow, Brandane Kirsty by Stirling Gino, owned and bred by Jimmy McMillan, Suffolk, took top honours in the beef section.

Inter-breed judge Paul Westaway, Gloucestershire, said he was impressed by the quality of the entries presented before him and described his champion as an outstanding example of the breed and a hard working cow with a tremendous bull calf at foot. 

At eight months old and by Woodhall Ferrari, the calf already weighs in at 580kg and is destined for the Stirling sales in October 2024. Brandane Kirsty also won the cow class at this year's Simmental National at the Royal Norfolk Show.

Reserve went to Mary Cormack, Herefordshire, with her Beef Shorthorn in-calf heifer Millerstone Irania Rainbow by Portnadoran Maestrom. The heifer was bought as a calf at foot with her dam for a record 17,000gns at the Millerston dispersal sale.

The male championship went to David and Lesley Sapsed, Hertfordshire, with their yearling Simmental bull Heathbrow Nationwide, by Blackford Kirk.

Reserve went to the local Sussex breed and Jane Howard, East Sussex, with the five-year-old bull Coopers Regent 3 by Goldstone Regent 7.


In the dairy section, the supreme champion and reserve, judged by Linda Batty, Derbyshire, both went to Peter Prior, Chelmsford, with his Designer Holstein cattle. The champion, an in-milk heifer, Designer Brady Alicia was described by the judge as a beautifully balanced heifer, full of dairy quality throughout.  Reserve went to a cow in her second lactation, Designer Crushabull Adrienne. 



With more than 1,000 entries, sheep numbers were up again at this year's show with a record 108 entries in the Young Handler classes.

Inter-breed sheep champion, a Beltex ram from Mandy Friend, Kent.

Supreme pedigree sheep champion, judged by William Price, Shropshire, went to Mandy Friend, Kent, with a Beltex ram from Louise Smith, Buckinghamshire, in reserve. The judge described both as very impressive examples of breed but gave it to the Beltex for being more even all the way through.

Inter-breed pig champion, Duroc gilt Tenfold Lena 190 from Oliver Giles, West Sussex.

The supreme champion pig, judged by Tracey Bretherton, Preston, went to Oliver Giles, West Sussex, with his Duroc gilt Tenfold Lena 190. In reserve was Emily Paddock, Staffordshire, with her Welsh sow, Eaves Model 4. 



Inter-breed (Judge P. Westaway, Gloucestershire) Supreme and female, J. McMillan, Brandane Kirsty (British Simmental); reserve and res. fem., M. Cormack, Millerstone Irania Rainbow (Beef Shorthorn); sup. male, D.A. and L.A. Sapsed, Heathbrow Nationwide (British Simmental) res., male, J. Howard, Coopers Regent 3 (Sussex).

Any other continental beef breed (D. Logan, Clackmannashire) Sup., S. Marsh, Updown Tia Maria; res., S. Marsh, Updown Topgun.

Any other native beef breed (D. Logan) Sup., Tottingworth Farm, Wareham's Gracie 1; res., Tottingworth Farm, Wareham's Gracie 2.

Aberdeen-Angus (M. Phillips, Kircudbrightshire) Sup., M. Goddard, Oak Moor Wella; res., A. Bishop, Warrenho, Jake Eric.

Beef Shorthorn (M. Phillips) Sup., M. Cormack, Millerstone Irania Rainbow; res., M. Cormack, Elliot Estelle.

British Blonde (A. Robinson, Northamptonshire) Sup., H. Jones, Egerton Ntamack; res., H. Jones, Egerton Txintxurreta.

British Blue (D. Logan) Sup., L. Gould, Withywood Sassie Lassie; res., J. Jack, Solway View Spice.

British Charolais (A. Robinson) Sup., R. Tremayne, Marne Sweetpea.

British Limousin (M. Phillips) Sup., P. Tippetts, Sarkley Sabella res., M. Kirby, Koojan Sugarbabe.

British Simmental (A. Robinson) Sup., J. McMillan, Brandane Kirsty, res., D.A. and L.A. Sapsed, Heathbrow Natasha.
Dexter (S. Darnwood, Roxburghshire) Sup., J. Bennett, Cannington Mason, res., H. Hoggins, Seraphim Willow.

Hereford (I. Shaw, Cheshire) Sup., S.C. and G.L. Hartwright, Spartan 1 Voyager; res., J. Day, Highridge 1 Suzanah.

Highland (D. Logan) Sup., B. Cambridge, Wendy of Caradog; res., S. Tetbury, Bachy 1 of Hardham.

Sussex (I. Shaw) Sup., The Montreal Estate, Montreal Heedless 1; res., The Montreal Estate, Montreal Poll Snowdrop 4.

Commercial beef (P. Tippetts, Shropshire) Sup., J. and S. Wareham, Star Bar; res., S. Marsh, Dreamgirl.


Inter-breed (L. Batty, Debyshire) Sup. P. Prior, Designer Brady Alicia (Holstein); res., P. Prior, Designer Crushabull Adrienne (Holstein).

Ayrshire (L. Batty) Sup., R. Crawford, Longwood Vicking Barbara; res., M. Howie, Ridley Hill Corafamous.

Holstein (M. Norman, Devon) Sup., P. Prior, Designer Brady Alicia; res., P. Prior, Designer Brady Audrey.

Jersey (C. Reader, Northamptonshire) Sup., B. Cambridge, Bury Hill Engineer Rumour Lula; res., J. Edgar, Cottage Plan 34 Bangle.


Inter-breed (C. Jackson, Renfrewshire) Sup., M. Friend (Beltex); res., L. Smith (Texel).

Any other continental (F. Moffatt, Hampshire) Sup, and res., A. Pickford, (Millenium Bleu).

Any other native longwool (A. Barr, Kent) Sup., O. Soulsby (Border Leicester); res., G. Johnson (Romney).

Any other native shortwool (J. Coultrip, Kent) Sup., D. and J. Masters (North Country Cheviot); res., E. Wood (Exmoor Horn).

Badger Face Torddu and Torwen (L. Levinge, Herefordshire) Sup., S. Shrubsall (Torddu); res., H. Edmonds (Torddu).

Beltex (P. Tippetts) Sup. M. Friend; res., J. Jack.

Blue Texel (P. Tippetts) Sup. and res., R. McMaster.

British down breed (M. Adams, Gloucestershire) Sup., H. Burtenshaw (Coloured Ryland); res., K. and S. Hasemore (Suffolk).

Hampshire Down (M. Adams) Sup. and res., V. Miles.

Jacob (J. Coultrip, Kent) Sup. and res., P. Gorrigne.

Southdown (H. Turner, Surrey) Sup. and res., L. Sargent.

Texel (F. Moffatt) Sup., L. Smith; res., J. Jack.

Valais Blacknose (P. Garrod, Herefordshire) Sup., H. Titchener, res., I. Barr.

Kerry Hill (M. Pearse, Devon) Sup., I. Barr., res., J. Gunner.

Commercial (R. Russell, East Sussex) Sup., J. Jack (Texel); res., C. Lyle (Beltex cross).


Inter-breed (T. Bretherton, Preston), Sup. and sup. traditional, Oaklands Pigs Rother Molly 62B (British Saddleback); res. and sup., modern, O. Giles, Tedfold Lena 190 (Duroc).






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